With daddy gone on another long business trip we need to keep our days busy so today after T-Ball we did a little pumpkin painting at the park. Tyler picked out his pumpkin. They all looked the same to me but this one was "the big one". Then with his friend Henry they painted their pumpkins.
Tyler was off to a good start.
Kendall wanted to join too but there was no way I wanted paint on her nice white sweater and hat!
I didn't get a picture of the finished product but basically it was a big black mess of paint! Afterward we went back to the park and played.
I guess all that fresh air (and boy do I mean fresh it was 30 degrees out this morning when we woke up) must have been what the kids needed because both kids were wiped and I had to wake Tyler up at 4 and Kendall up at 4:30. Of course it's after 9pm now and I can still hear Tyler up in his room. I think as much as mommy doesn't want to do it, that nap is going to have to disappear. What's more important 3 hours of daytime sanity or an early evening of piece and quiet after a long LONG day?
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13 years ago
So funny about the naps. Haley and Mikayla do not go to sleep any more, but we do have quiet time where they have to stay in the playroom either quietly watching a movie or playing. On the off chance Mikayla does sleep during quiet time, she will have a hard time getting to sleep at night.
H's nap is definitely on the way out. I completely agree...I like having the evening to myself way more than the afternoon! afterall...what's a nice glass of wine with a toddler running around?!
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