Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Kyle & Lauren!

Wow time is really flying by with all these babies growing up around me. I remember when they were just 4lbs each! And now look at them. I wish I had some pictures to post of when they were teeny tiny but that was before I was taking pictures online. So these were about the oldest I could find:

Happy Birthday Lauren & Kyle we think of you often and miss you lots! Hopefully we'll get to see you soon.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Want to be a Leaf Peeper?

The first day of Autumn is upon us which means the fall foliage is starting. In our backyard we're still green but we're starting to see hints of some reds.

I'm being told that every year foliage can happen at a different time and there are lots of variables that can determine when peak foliage will be. It's actually sort of fun to watch the weather report in the mornings when they show the foliage pattern (it starts North and works its way down). Foliage reports get as much airplay as any weather pattern. But I guess it's basically a crap shoot when it comes to predicting peak foliage. For the most part I'm told we here in Massachusetts usually hit peak foliage Columbus day weekend (or thereabouts). Lets just hope we don't end up with some violent storm that rips all the leafs from the branches before they even hit their peak. I'll keep an eye out and keep those of you interested posted. For now here's a picture of Kendall enjoying some fall colour last year.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Northborough Applefest

Our morning was super busy with pony rides, basketball, donut eating, bean bag toss, & eggs on spoon games. It was the town of Northboro's annual Applefest. They even had a parade.

I've still be a little leery of putting Kendall on any pony rides but Tyler went and though he looked a little scared he's becoming quite used to them I think. Our little cowboy in the making. Kendall had her eye on this donut eating game where you are supposed to eat the donut without breaking the hole in the middle or something.
I don't know, Tyler did it perfectly and Kendall well . . . you can see for yourself.
She still managed to get a prize anyway. And I have to say the donut eating game was probably the favorite game at the fest. They had lots of booths set-up like most festival's but by the time we finished with all the kid games it was time for lunch so we set out though the crowds and got a couple of hot dogs. I should have taken a picture of Kendall eating her first hot dog. Boy did she manage to devour the whole thing in nothing flat. I didn't even cut it up for her. She ate the whole thing. (bread last of course). I swear the things she eats for only having 4 teeth. After lunch we got some fried dough and set out for Main Street to watch the parade. Our friends were there (that's Tyler with his arm around his pal Henry) and Tyler really has the whole waving at everyone in the parade down. I thought his hand would get tired from all that waving he was doing. It got a bit loud when the tow trucks went by honking the horns. All in all it was a good tiring morning so after the parade we headed home, we look forward to next year's Applefest.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tyler the Soccer Stud

Tyler has started his soccer class at Teamworks and today he did better than last week.

Even though sometimes he still wants to carry the ball he is starting to grasp the concept of kicking it instead of throwing it. Kendall really wants to be a part of the class too but she wasn't old enough to join yet. I'm sure the coaches are just thrilled to have her in the way but too bad for them, they should offer a sibling class!
It is funny to watch her trying to keep up with the boys. She actually listens and follows better than a few others in the class.

Anyway here are some pictures of Tyler enjoying himself. The pictures didn't turn out very well though, I had my camera on a wrong setting.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma "Nay"!

We want to wish our wonderful Grandma Renee a happy birthday. We wish we could celebrate with her. We're jealous that our cousins Lauren and Kyle get to spend so much time with her but now that we've moved even further it's been almost a year since we've seen her. We miss you Grandma Nay, hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How Do You Like Them Apples

We have some friends who own a small farm in the town of Bolton so we went apple picking there today. They also had a hay ride for everyone which was loads of fun.

Kendall really liked putting all the hay on her head. Last year when we went apple picking Kendall was a little too young to enjoy it but this year so she really took a bite out of the apples.

Not bad for only have 4 teeth.

I asked Tyler if he had fun and he said "No I not have fun, I have great!" I think that means he had a great time. I told Kevin that I might just have to make a pie with all our apples and I think he rolled his eyes at me; I couldn't quite tell since he had his sunglasses on. He may know me better than I think though. On the drive home Tyler said "I worked hard today picking all those apples"

All Kendall said was "apples" and then she fell asleep in the car.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome to Lilliput

Today was Tyler's first day of "real" preschool. Out here in Mass kids don't officially start until they are 2.9 years. Tyler turned 2.9 in July so we actually had him start the summer camp for a month but he's been out of school for the whole month of August. The best thing about Tyler's school is the drop off/pick up procedure. I drive up and they take him out of (or put him in) the car and off he goes.
How awesome is that, I don't even have to get out of the car. I only wish Kendall's school did that. I look forward to when they are both at Lilliput. So anyway not only was it Tyler's first day of Preschool it was the first time in 16 months that mommy had a morning off. First I gave Kendall's room a good scrub down since I can never really clean it when she's around and then I was able to run errands. It's amazing what I could get done in 3 1/2 hours without kids. I think I will be looking forward to every Tuesday and Thursday. By the way Kendall is enjoying her school; she's utterly exhausted when I pick her up which is never a bad thing.

Friday, September 5, 2008

One Year Ago. . .

. . . we moved to Massachusetts. Tyler was just turning two, Kendall not even 6 months. What was I thinking? Oh ya better to do it now than before they start school. It's been a year since we ventured out here with no friends or family. When I agreed to the move I actually didn't think anything would come of it. Thinking only how fun it was to talk about the size of house we could have "there" compared to what we had in California. I should have given Kevin more credit because within a month or two he had the job and we were announcing our pending move. Everything happened so fast that I didn't even have time to think about what things would be like until we arrived and all I could think was "what in the world did I agree to?" It's not that I hated it here right away it's just nothing was what I expected. In my former life of working in the investment banking world I had wanted to move out to the Boston office. Of course that would have meant living in a CITY not the Country which is where we ended up; Boylston is a town of 3,500 people, that's a far cry from any of the suburbs in California.

Here's a summary of what I realized in my first year here:

Things I hate about Massachusetts:

1. Snow
2. No Mexican food
3. Takes at least 15 minutes to get anywhere
4. Roads are basically paved over cow paths (there is NO grid system)
5. Winter (I think last winter lasted 6 months)
6. No wine can be shipped here
7. Gnats (aka fruit flies out here in my wine constantly)
8. Major infestation of Lady Bugs last October
9. No garbage disposal
10. Where are the wineries?
11. It's not California

Things I've learned to like about Massachusetts:

1. Different seasons
2. Having a basement and a walk-up attic
3. The large yard
4. Traffic is not nearly as bad
5. Lush green summers.
6. Tap water is delicious.
7. No tax on clothing!
8. It's not California

So while my list of things I've been displeased with here is still longer than what I've grown to like I'm sure my list will continue to grow with pleasantries. I still miss my friends terribly but I've also made some great new ones. I think in the long run this will have proved to be a wonderful move for us. It definitely seems to be a great place to raise our kids and I look forward to what the future brings. Without faults there can be no benefits. Here's to another year of making memories in Massachusetts!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Cousin Marco!

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday dear cousin Marco!

Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Welcome to the terrific two's! Terrible starts at three! hehehe. Wish we could have seen you when we were back there but well you know all about what happened. Hopefully we'll see you soon. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday.

Scheduled May Activities

  • MTWTh--Tyler in Preschool
  • MWF--Kendall in Preschool
  • Tuesday's--Kendall Gymnastics, Tyler & Kendall Golf
  • Wednesday--Tyler T-Ball Practice
  • Thursday's--Kendall Dance, Tyler & Kendall Swim
  • Friday's--Tyler Piano & Tyler Tennis
  • Saturday's--Tyler T-Ball

2010 Family Pictures

Kendall turns 3!