Well here I was before my wonderful spa day. And let me tell you every day should be like this. I started the day with a foot bath, then onto a massage and a facial. Lunch was served and then I had a pedicure and manicure. Then it was on to my hairstylst and she couldn't believe I was going to go through with it but I showed her the picture and then boom.... 8 inches GONE just like that. I think I look 20 years older but maybe after I style it myself I'll like it better. Now Kevin and I on our way to dinner. I think it's our first "date" since we moved here.
Elmo made a little visit to our our mall here and we made sure we didn't miss it. I was curious how Tyler would react seeing a life sized version of the little red furry guy being that he didn't like Santa or the Easter Bunny this past year. But lo and behold he was excited when I told him this morning that we would be meeting him today at the mall. He made sure to wear his Elmo underwear and once Elmo made his appearance Tyler kept telling me how he wanted to give him a "tissy".
We didn't actually get to get up and personal with him; he was on stage with security guards making sure no 2 or 3 year olds rushed the stage. It was a little loud in the beginning but all in all it was a fun event for the kids, even Kendall was waving at the fairy, Abby, and kept trying to crawl up to the stage.
We even won a $50 gift card to some steak restaurant Bugaboo Creek (or something like that) We'll probably give it to daddy for his birthday or Father's day!
We just got back from a fun afternoon on the Boylston Common, where memorial day is truly being celebrated in style. We got there just in time to watch the parade. Tyler enjoyed waving the the firetrucks. Everyone was also throwing out candy and Tyler didn't know what to do about that. He just picked up as much as he could.
Then we headed to the common where we ate lunch and watched some of the ceremonies.
Mommy got her favorite, cotton candy, and lucky for her Tyler didn't like it!
They also had bounce houses but the kids in them were too big so we feared Tyler might get scared so we skipped them this year. On the way back to our car we noticed a very lovely named street.
So for anyone who has noticed under my "upcoming May events" I have a spa day on May 31st planned courtesy of my wonderful husband Kevin. (This is what I always get when he can't think of what to get me for my birthday, I'm not complaining though!) Anyway with this package it includes a haircut and since this is where I go anyway I figured what a great time to update my look. So I'm chopping off my hair, just in time for summer! Here are the three looks and I'm hoping you'll scroll down and help me make my decision in my new nifty poll.
(c)Retna ltd
And yes I know even after I get my haircut I'm not going to actually look like these women!
Well we haven't been up to much this week, just the same ol' preschool for Tyler, swim lessons & Gymboree for Kendall. We did go visit Tyler's new preschool today and met his new teacher and spent some time in the classroom. I think Tyler will adjust fine. We weren't able to go about our normal activities this afternoon because we needed to stay home for the electrical inspector who we've been waiting a week to come by. The basement has been at a standstill. Anyway we spent some much needed time outdoors just playing around. I put Kendall in a walker that a friend gave us to try out a few months ago. She never thought much of it and could only go backwards so I pretty much gave up on it. But since we were outside I didn't want her crawling around on the driveway so I thought we'd try out the walker again. Boy oh boy did she have fun. The pictures don't really reveal how much fun she was having. But I had to watch her, she was moving and moving fast going forward. I was a afraid she was going to go off into the wooded section. She just screamed in delight chasing Tyler and just "walking" non-stop. I hope this means that once she actually starts walking she'll be in a much better mood. One can only hope!
It's official, Kendall has finally cut her fourth tooth. (Thank GOD) She has two on the bottom and 2 on top. At the rate she's going maybe she'll get the rest of her teeth by the time she turns two. We finally ran out of the baby food jars so she is on her own completely, which I think she prefers anyway. What do you think?
Well Kevin has left us yet again to go on another week long business trip. This time to San Diego. Personally I think he's just trying to get away from the New England rain and enjoy some California sunshine. Since Kevin left this morning I had to take Tyler to his swim lessons and let me tell you he is a nut! All he wants to do is jump off the side of the pool into the water unassisted. I tried to hold onto him and all he would say is "go away, mommy". So I let him jump. He wanted nothing to do with "wheels on the bus" or "motor boat" during class. He still can't really swim by himself but he's well on his way. Hopefully soon we can put him in a class by himself so mommy doesn't have to get into the cold water with him. Wish I could have taken pictures.
Well for the longest time our "little" Kendall hasn't been pulling herself up to standing but all that has changed. Lately she's out of control pulling herself up to anything where food may be. Is she like mommy? She's still not climbing or walking or cruising but she gets where she needs to get when she wants to get there (especially if food is involved).
Here she is the first time I caught her in the act stealing Tyler's snack (after she already had hers).
Here she is 10 minutes later trying to make herself some food.
And this morning I hear Tyler yelling NO! So what do I see? Kendall trying to eat Tyler's breakfast and yes she had already eaten hers!
Maybe I should dangle a carrot (or graham cracker) out in front of her to get her to walk already.
Mother's day around here was pretty uneventful except that I slept in until 8:00am and Kevin fed the kids breakfast. Next year though I think I'm sleeping in until 9! I also received a lovely charm bracelet. It has my initials on the center charm and the kids name and birth dates on their own charm. Tyler was very excited that he bought it for me and then wondered where his was.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful moms in my life. From my own mom who isn't perfect, I've learned neither am I; to Renee, my step-mother, thanks for taking me in as your own. And to my mother-in-law, who Kevin has been learning I'm quite like, thanks for raising such a wonderful man. Also to all my friends who were mother's before me, what would I do without all the advice and to the mother's who became mother's at the same time, I feel a common bond that I won't easily forget. Lastly to my friends who have become and will become mother's after me, please ask me for advice so I can feel like other's think I've done something right! Happy Mother's Day.
Tyler, Kendall and I went to Davis Farmland on Thursday. The whole farm thing seems to be pretty big out here where we live. Tyler had a blast feeding all the goats & sheep, a roster "got him" but he was ok.
Tyler also went on a pony ride, "milked a cow" and we all three went on a hay ride.
We went with some playgroup friends of ours and we had a really good time. We ate lunch at the Herd Rock Calfe and after that we just had to go home and take naps. In fact the kids were so tired by that afternoon that they were finally able to get a nap in through all the banging going on around here with the basement construction. I think we will be making frequent trips out the the farmland because not only do they have this kid friendly "farm" they have a huge spray and play area and a mega corn maze as well as the very popular apple picking and only 7 miles from our house.
Well today was pretty uneventful, Tyler went to Preschool and the guys were here working on our basement and made so much noise Kendall couldn't nap. This morning was fine because she had Gymboree anyway. But this afternoon was tough because she was tired and still couldn't sleep through the banging. Tyler on the other hand slept right through it all. I did notice that Kendall's 3rd tooth has finally broken through and I'm pretty sure that fourth one is on it's way at last too. This could be way she's been having a tough time sleeping especially since she's usually so good. Anyway Kendall also wore her new outfit today that she got from her Grandma and Grandpa A. I made sure to take pictures before she got the white pants too dirty from crawling around all over the house. :-) Anyway here she is!
I was so proud of my little craft creation that I made for Kendall that I wanted her to model it but she was not a happy camper about it. These were the only pictures I could get. Yes mommy made this! Well I just sewed the towel together.
I'm working on it. I'm not sure how long it will take me to get this started or how often I'll be able to update. I've been told that once it's set-up then it should be easy to update daily. We will see. So keep an eye out for new and exciting stuff! To be continued . . .