Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First Snowfall

Well we had our first real snowfall of the season. Tyler has been anxiously awaiting snow. It snowed about a week back but it didn't stick around for too long; in fact by the time Tyler was able to go out in it, it had disappeared. So this morning when he woke-up and saw much more of it, he couldn't wait to get out there with his sled. Of course though the first thing Tyler thought was Santa must be coming today because there was snow. He says "Mommy mommy! Santa is coming today because he likes snow!" (I'm still trying to work on counting the days with our advent calendar but I just don't think he understands why he hasn't come yet.) Anyway Tyler scarfed down some breakfast and then was ready to get outside.
I think it took us about 30 plus minutes to get all bundled up and we were probably out there for what seemed like forever for me but probably only about a half hour. The snow was perfect for the sled. Not too much and just icy enough for it to really work. The kids had fun with mommy toting them around the yard.
Kendall liked the idea of being outside in the snow but she didn't like that she couldn't really walk in it.

I kept asking if she wanted to go inside and she'd say no but she wanted me to walk around and hold her. Mean mommy said "oh no if you want to be out here you'll have to learn to walk in it and deal with it." Friday they are expecting about a foot of snow, so I wonder, will we be having a white Christmas? I hope so.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

We love the snow, it snowed here in Nevada, can you believe it. Funny though, Brayden would have nothing to do with it. When I saw your pictures of Kendall I was amazed. Brayden just kept saying, "inside, go inside." Kendall looks so cute in her little snow outfit, it looks like she was having to really work at moving in it though!

Scheduled May Activities

  • MTWTh--Tyler in Preschool
  • MWF--Kendall in Preschool
  • Tuesday's--Kendall Gymnastics, Tyler & Kendall Golf
  • Wednesday--Tyler T-Ball Practice
  • Thursday's--Kendall Dance, Tyler & Kendall Swim
  • Friday's--Tyler Piano & Tyler Tennis
  • Saturday's--Tyler T-Ball

2010 Family Pictures

Kendall turns 3!