Sunday, November 2, 2008

Growing Strong . . .

. . . and maybe slowing down, Kendall had her 18 month well check. She's still in the 90-95% for height but at least she's now on the charts. In fact she's the exact same length that Tyler was at 18 months, 33 1/2 inches. She weighs 24.8 lbs (about the same as Tyler did too). Their big difference is Tyler had (still has) a little 10 percentile head circumference and Kendall is at 50%! She talks a lot more than Tyler did at this age and she'll say anything you say. (I need to be careful what I say with winter driving ahead of us) She just seems to understand everything. My new favorite thing she says is "I did it". The only concern I had for the doctor was that Kendall seems to walk/run crooked. She sort of leans in one direction and then leans into the other direction. Almost like she's walking on a rocking ship. He watched her walk/run to me in the hallway and said it was normal and that in fact since she really just recently started walking she's doing great. I might have exaggerated how crazy she walks but she's still so wobbly to me. From what I remember Tyler seemed very sturdy to me at this age, and so much "bigger", not at all "babylike" as I feel Kendall still is. Maybe that was because when Tyler was 18 months Kendall arrived into our world.


Fit Mom said...

Wow, that put things into perspective to think Tyler was Kendall's age when she was born! Life must seem so relaxed and enjoyable now! I wish we could witness them growing up! Miss you guys!

Jen said...

Hmmm, don't make her grow up so quickly ;-) Pretty soon you'll be missing those "babies", he, he!! Sounds like she is just wonderful. Maybe we can get all these kids together some year...ah...wishful thinking, huh?

Scheduled May Activities

  • MTWTh--Tyler in Preschool
  • MWF--Kendall in Preschool
  • Tuesday's--Kendall Gymnastics, Tyler & Kendall Golf
  • Wednesday--Tyler T-Ball Practice
  • Thursday's--Kendall Dance, Tyler & Kendall Swim
  • Friday's--Tyler Piano & Tyler Tennis
  • Saturday's--Tyler T-Ball

2010 Family Pictures

Kendall turns 3!