. . . and maybe slowing down, Kendall had her 18 month well check. She's still in the 90-95% for height but at least she's now on the charts. In fact she's the exact same length that Tyler was at 18 months, 33 1/2 inches. She weighs 24.8 lbs (about the same as Tyler did too). Their big difference is Tyler had (still has) a little 10 percentile head circumference and Kendall is at 50%! She talks a lot more than Tyler did at this age and she'll say anything you say. (I need to be careful what I say with winter driving ahead of us) She just seems to understand everything. My new favorite thing she says is "I did it". The only concern I had for the doctor was that Kendall seems to walk/run crooked. She sort of leans in one direction and then leans into the other direction. Almost like she's walking on a rocking ship. He watched her walk/run to me in the hallway and said it was normal and that in fact since she really just recently started walking she's doing great. I might have exaggerated how crazy she walks but she's still so wobbly to me. From what I remember Tyler seemed very sturdy to me at this age, and so much "bigger", not at all "babylike" as I feel Kendall still is. Maybe that was because when Tyler was 18 months Kendall arrived into our world.
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13 years ago
Wow, that put things into perspective to think Tyler was Kendall's age when she was born! Life must seem so relaxed and enjoyable now! I wish we could witness them growing up! Miss you guys!
Hmmm, don't make her grow up so quickly ;-) Pretty soon you'll be missing those "babies", he, he!! Sounds like she is just wonderful. Maybe we can get all these kids together some year...ah...wishful thinking, huh?
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