Monday, September 22, 2008

Want to be a Leaf Peeper?

The first day of Autumn is upon us which means the fall foliage is starting. In our backyard we're still green but we're starting to see hints of some reds.

I'm being told that every year foliage can happen at a different time and there are lots of variables that can determine when peak foliage will be. It's actually sort of fun to watch the weather report in the mornings when they show the foliage pattern (it starts North and works its way down). Foliage reports get as much airplay as any weather pattern. But I guess it's basically a crap shoot when it comes to predicting peak foliage. For the most part I'm told we here in Massachusetts usually hit peak foliage Columbus day weekend (or thereabouts). Lets just hope we don't end up with some violent storm that rips all the leafs from the branches before they even hit their peak. I'll keep an eye out and keep those of you interested posted. For now here's a picture of Kendall enjoying some fall colour last year.

1 comment:

We are the Matthews! said...

I never new they even had foliage reports. How funny. I cant believe that is your back yard. You have trees!! I am so jealous! I would love just ONE tree. Yea Cam's hair is funny im just glad that is the style now. :)

Scheduled May Activities

  • MTWTh--Tyler in Preschool
  • MWF--Kendall in Preschool
  • Tuesday's--Kendall Gymnastics, Tyler & Kendall Golf
  • Wednesday--Tyler T-Ball Practice
  • Thursday's--Kendall Dance, Tyler & Kendall Swim
  • Friday's--Tyler Piano & Tyler Tennis
  • Saturday's--Tyler T-Ball

2010 Family Pictures

Kendall turns 3!