So today we made our gingerbread house. I don't know why it reminded me of the Hansel & Gretel story (well candy house and all) but I told the story to both Tyler and Kendall as we made our house. I tried not to make the story too scary but dear Lord thinking of it as I'm telling it, I thought this is a horror story. (I always like it because its really the sister who is the brains behind the operation)
Nevertheless the kids liked it and they enjoyed making their gingerbread house. We had a few follies like the roof falling down and we ate more candy than what went on the house. I'd say ours looks NOTHING like the box cover.
I'd like to blame that all on the kids but I pretty much gave up after putting the walls up. That icing is good for nothing but eating off the spatula.
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13 years ago
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