Our morning was super busy with pony rides, basketball, donut eating, bean bag toss, & eggs on spoon games.

It was the town of Northboro's annual Applefest. They even had a parade.

I've still be a little leery of putting Kendall on any pony rides but Tyler went and though he looked a little scared he's becoming quite used to them I think. Our little cowboy in the making.

Kendall had her eye on this donut eating game where you are supposed to eat the donut without breaking the hole in the middle or something.

I don't know, Tyler did it perfectly and Kendall well . . . you can see for yourself.

She still managed to get a prize anyway. And I have to say the donut eating game was probably the favorite game at the fest. They had lots of booths set-up like most festival's but by the time we finished with all the kid games it was time for lunch so we set out though the crowds and got a couple of hot dogs. I should have taken a picture of Kendall eating her first hot dog. Boy did she manage to devour the whole thing in nothing flat. I didn't even cut it up for her. She ate the whole thing. (bread last of course). I swear the things she eats for only having 4 teeth. After lunch we got some fried dough and set out for Main Street to watch the parade.

Our friends were there (that's Tyler with his arm around his pal Henry) and Tyler really has the whole waving at everyone in the parade down. I thought his hand would get tired from all that waving he was doing. It got a bit loud when the tow trucks went by honking the horns.

All in all it was a good tiring morning so after the parade we headed home, we look forward to next year's Applefest.